is an app for astrophotographers and night-sky enthusiasts who want to photograph or view an aurora. Using up-to-the-minute information from the ACE spacecraft, along with other data from NOAA and weather from Norway's Meteorological Institute, users can quickly determine if an aurora is visible in the night sky and find the perfect location to set up and watch the northern or southern lights.
If you have a Pebble smartwatch, you can also download the companion watch app to see aurora hunting info on your wrist, and get notifications when an event is predicted to occur.
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- View current and predicted aurora data, updated every minute
- Easy to read and consistent gauges and indicators for quick estimations of activity
- View a range of hand-picked and user submitted locations, plus the best place within your area to see an aurora.
- Access current and 9 day weather forecasts for almost anywhere on earth
- Times and dates automatically converted to your local timezone. No more manual conversion from UTC!
- View a range of webcams, charts and satellite images from around the world.
- Apps available for web, mobile, desktop and Pebble smartwatch, so you'll always have the data you need, wherever you are
If you're a developer, we also offer an API, so you can integrate weather and aurora information within your own apps!
Keywords: Aurora, Borealis, Australis, Northern Lights, Southern Lights, astrophotography adalah sebuah aplikasi untuk astrophotographers dan penggemar malam-langit yang ingin memotret atau melihat aurora. Menggunakan informasi yang up-to-the-menit dari pesawat ruang angkasa ACE, bersama dengan data lain dari NOAA dan cuaca dari Norwegia Institut Meteorologi, pengguna dapat dengan cepat menentukan apakah aurora terlihat di langit malam dan menemukan lokasi yang sempurna untuk mengatur dan menonton utara atau selatan lampu.
Jika Anda memiliki smartwatch Pebble, Anda juga dapat men-download pendamping menonton aplikasi untuk melihat aurora berburu info di pergelangan tangan Anda, dan mendapatkan pemberitahuan ketika sebuah peristiwa diprediksi akan terjadi.
Pergi iklan gratis: Periksa
- View saat ini dan diperkirakan Data aurora, diperbarui setiap menit
- Mudah dibaca dan pengukur konsisten dan indikator untuk estimasi cepat aktivitas
- Lihat berbagai mengangkat tangan dan pengguna lokasi diserahkan, ditambah tempat terbaik di daerah Anda untuk melihat aurora.
- Akses saat ini dan 9 hari perkiraan cuaca untuk hampir di mana saja di bumi
- Times dan tanggal otomatis dikonversi ke zona waktu lokal Anda. konversi tidak lebih pengguna dari UTC!
- Lihat berbagai webcam, grafik dan gambar satelit dari seluruh dunia.
- Aplikasi yang tersedia untuk web, mobile, desktop dan Pebble smartwatch, sehingga Anda akan selalu memiliki data yang Anda butuhkan, dimanapun Anda berada
Jika Anda seorang pengembang, kami juga menawarkan API, sehingga Anda dapat mengintegrasikan cuaca dan informasi aurora dalam aplikasi Anda sendiri!
Kata kunci: Aurora, Borealis, Australis, Northern Lights, Southern Lights, astrophotography is an app for astrophotographers and night-sky enthusiasts who want to photograph or view an aurora. Using up-to-the-minute information from the ACE spacecraft, along with other data from NOAA and weather from Norway's Meteorological Institute, users can quickly determine if an aurora is visible in the night sky and find the perfect location to set up and watch the northern or southern lights.
If you have a Pebble smartwatch, you can also download the companion watch app to see aurora hunting info on your wrist, and get notifications when an event is predicted to occur.
Go ad free: Check out
- View current and predicted aurora data, updated every minute
- Easy to read and consistent gauges and indicators for quick estimations of activity
- View a range of hand-picked and user submitted locations, plus the best place within your area to see an aurora.
- Access current and 9 day weather forecasts for almost anywhere on earth
- Times and dates automatically converted to your local timezone. No more manual conversion from UTC!
- View a range of webcams, charts and satellite images from around the world.
- Apps available for web, mobile, desktop and Pebble smartwatch, so you'll always have the data you need, wherever you are
If you're a developer, we also offer an API, so you can integrate weather and aurora information within your own apps!
Keywords: Aurora, Borealis, Australis, Northern Lights, Southern Lights, astrophotography